Smoothing the map -
how you do it

Our maps are printed on stable and durable paper so that you can enjoy your Marmota Map for a long time. Yet, depending on where and how the map is hung or stored, or if the map is moved and hung on another wall, uneven spots on the map might occur.
We collected some tips for you to repair these little damages so that your Marmota Map becomes smooth, nice and shiny again.

Karte glätten - Bügeln

1. Flattening

Practically any large and heavy item with a smooth surface is suitable for this method. The most common, simple, and reliable approach is probably the use of books. If you don't happen to have a large atlas at hand you could also use wooden panels, for instance.
Regardless of what you will use: The more time you will let the item flatten your map, the better the result will be.

AKarte glätten - Bügeln

2. Ironing

If you are rolling the map, while storing it, you might see small wave-like irregularities on the surface of the map, when unrolling it. These little bumps can normally be ironed out. It is recommended to use a steam iron. Use the iron on the lowest heat level, with no steam. Put the map on the back and put a dish cloth onto the backside. Now move the iron carefully and in circles over the dish cloth.

Karte glätten - Wässern

3. Steam-ironing

If the regular ironing does not bring the result you hoped for you might want to try steam-ironing as the next step. The approach is basically the same. Use the iron on the lowest heat level, this time with steam. Put the map on the back and put a dish cloth onto the backside. Now move the iron carefully and in circles over the dish cloth..

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