South Tyrol Map - Ski Blue Ski Blue
South Tyrol Map - Mountain Green Mountain Green
South Tyrol Map - Map Grey Map Grey

Release date: 01-12-2018
Size: 840 x 594 mm
Print: Digital printing
Language: German


Styles - 3 unique designs

Our map shows the most important cities, streets, rivers and waters, the most important mountains, as well as the borders of eight districts of south Tyrol. South Tirol is available in three unique designs:
blue from our maps of the ski resorts, green style from our mountain maps or the grey of “Mapping Out the Alps”.

Style – Ski Blue

South Tyrol Map - Ski Blue - Aufbau der Karte

This well-known and popular style is used on our maps of the ski resorts. Shades of blue show the different altitude levels. From deep blue in the valleys to the Alpine white up on the mountains above 3,000 meters.

South Tyrol Map - Ski Blue

Our infographic compares the eight districts of South Tyrol in terms of population and area. South Tyrol Map - Ski Blue - Infographic

The map also shows a selection of South Tyrol's most impressive mountains, most of which are also available as illustrated A3-prints:
Drei Zinnen (Tre Cime di Lavaredo), Geisler Group, Heiligkreuzkofel, Ortler, Peitlerkofel, Sassongher, Schlern, Seceda. South Tyrol Map - Ski Blue - Mountains

Marmota Stickers
for the South Tyrol Map

Our matching Marmota sticker set lets you mark your own special experiences.

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add for € 4.00

Sticker for the South Tyrol Map

Style – Mountain Green

We use this style for our mountain and hiking maps. The altitude profile consists of different shades of green.

South Tyrol Map - Mountain Green - Aufbau der Karte

South Tyrol Map - Mountain Green

Our infographic compares the eight districts of South Tyrol in terms of population and area. South Tyrol Map - Mountain Green - Infographic

The map also shows a selection of South Tyrol's most impressive mountains, most of which are also available as illustrated A3-prints:
Drei Zinnen (Tre Cime di Lavaredo), Geisler Group, Heiligkreuzkofel, Ortler, Peitlerkofel, Sassongher, Schlern, Seceda. Südtirol Karte Stil - Mountain Green - Mountains

Marmota Stickers
for the South Tyrol Map

Our matching Marmota sticker set lets you mark your own special experiences.

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add for € 4.00

Sticker for the South Tyrol Map

Style – Map Grey

This style is based on our map “Mapping Out the Alps”. The altitude profile consists of different shades of grey, which allows for own markings to be easily visible.

South Tyrol Map - Map Grey - Aufbau der Karte

South Tyrol Map - Map Grey

Our infographic compares the eight districts of South Tyrol in terms of population and area. South Tyrol Map - Map Grey - Infographic

The map also shows a selection of South Tyrol's most impressive mountains, most of which are also available as illustrated A3-prints:
Drei Zinnen (Tre Cime di Lavaredo), Geisler Group, Heiligkreuzkofel, Ortler, Peitlerkofel, Sassongher, Schlern, Seceda. Südtirol Karte Stil - Map Grey - Mountains

Marmota Stickers
for the South Tyrol Map

Our matching Marmota sticker set lets you mark your own special experiences.

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add for € 4.00

Sticker for the South Tyrol Map

Tips for hanging
up the map

How do I hang a map on a wall.

This way