Unfortunately this infographic is only available in German right now. We are working on translating the text.
We will update this page with an English version, when we are done.
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We have created this infographic in cooperation with and with information by Craftski.
Craftski offers workshops, in which you learn to build your own skis or snowboards according to your individual preferences, under professional guidance..
Find the best ski areas for your ideal type of ski, with our maps of the ski resorts:
Map of the Alps
with over 600 ski resorts
The large map of the Alps with more than 600 ski resorts (≥ 5 slope kilometers).
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Map of the Alps
with 268 ski resorts
Our handy map of the Alps with 268 ski resorts (≥ 25 slope kilometers).
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Ski Resorts of Austria
The first Marmota Map of an Alpine country.
Austria and its more than 400 ski areas,
inside and outside of the Alps.
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