Chionomys nivalis

Eurasian lynx

The European snow voles‘ physique is perfectly adjusted to moving through crevices below the snow. They love to take sun bathes. To protect the entrances to their lairs from melting snow they build little walls at the entrance.

Life expectancy: 3 years
Size: 14 cm
Weight: 60 g
Habitat (maximum height): 4700 m
Group size: 1
Young per litter / clutch: 3
Group: Kleine Säugetiere/Mäuseartige

Glacier flea

Save half a square meter of unspoiled nature with every quartet game


Nature can only remain beautiful when we grant it sufficient space. That's why for every sold quartet game we make a little donation to the regional federation of bird protection in Bavaria (Landesverband für Vogelschutz in Bayern e.V., LBV) to protect half a square meter of unspoiled nature. The LBV does not only protect the biosphere. It also runs an eagle hut in Bad Hindelang, one of the best spots to be informed about and to observe golden eagles, which is only one of there many environmental projects.

Poster of the Alpine animals

European snow vole and 31 other Alpine animals on one poster - from A as in Alpine cough to Y as in yellow-bellied toad.

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